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Living Zen Podcast

Jun 26, 2017

To: Zenwest members, associates, patrons, and donors


From: Eshu Osho, Zenwest Board, and members of the Zenwest strategic planning group


Dear friends and supporters of Zenwest,


In our global community, locally, and within our Sangha, the past 3 years have been filled with change. We are writing to talk with you...

Stepping Back Through Zazen - Kosen Eshu, Osho - Tuesday May 31, 2016

Apr 3, 2017

The Zenwest Buddhist Society is a federally registered charity in Canada that provides training and education in Zen Buddhism. If you enjoy this podcast, please rate it, review it, and share it with a friend that you think will enjoy it as much as you did. Please consider purchasing the Living Zen-podcast app on the...

Mar 29, 2017

The Zenwest Buddhist Society is a federally registered charity in Canada that provides training and education in Zen Buddhism. If you enjoy this podcast, please rate it, review it, and share it with a friend that you think will enjoy it as much as you did. Please consider purchasing the Living Zen-podcast app on the...

Mar 22, 2017

The Zenwest Buddhist Society is a federally registered charity in Canada that provides training and education in Zen Buddhism. If you enjoy this podcast, please rate it, review it, and share it with a friend that you think will enjoy it as much as you did. Please consider purchasing the Living Zen-podcast app on the...

Mar 17, 2017

The Zenwest Buddhist Society is a federally registered charity in Canada that provides training and education in Zen Buddhism. If you enjoy this podcast, please rate it, review it, and share it with a friend that you think will enjoy it as much as you did. Please consider purchasing the Living Zen-podcast app on the...